Dr Gareth James
Medical Director | MBBS, DRCOG, DFFP, MRCGP
Dr Gareth James is a 3/4 time Senior Partner and Management Lead GP in Daventry, Northamptonshire. He has undertaken over 3000 vasectomies (over 2000 via the MIV/NSV method).
He is passionate about audit and research, and has been the Audit lead for ASPC since it joined with BANSV. He was instrumental in setting up the standardised questionnaires for patients following their vasectomies allowing a wealth of data to be collected over the past 8 years.
He has also now put together Carpel tunnel patient surveys, and a more patient centred Skin Surgery survey.
He is a member of the following professional groups or societies:
• Member of the Royal College of GP’s
• Diplomat of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
• Diplomat of the Royal College of Family Planning and Reproductive Medicine
• Member of Association of Surgeons in Primary Care
• Medical Protection Society member